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Desktop getting an edge with presentation skills with andrew eggelton

The Business Connections Podcast - Getting an Edge on Pre...

Img 1726 1 Desmond Bauch

Brett Jarman and I had a fabulous chat with Andrew Eggelton on this Business Connections Podcast episode. Andrew’s specialty is helping people in business brush up on their presentation skills,...

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Dancer and film maker creates visually stunning campaigns...

002 Sherwood Treutel

'I truly believe that small ripples can create big waves.'
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A Wave of Ocean Activism to hit D.C.

002 Sherwood Treutel

Blue activists from sea to shining sea are coming to D.C. to fight President Trump’s anti-ocean budget cuts and other threats to our public waters. The biennial 6th Blue Vision Summit launches on T…
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002 Sherwood Treutel

Een short film van meer dan 1000 foto's over de gevolgen van afval in de zee. Pianomuziek zelf gecomponeerd. Veel kijkplezier. Ik ben Pieter Lossie, 15 jaar ...
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Moalboal Sardine Run

002 Sherwood Treutel

Video courtesy of Kasai Village | http://www.kasaivillage.com A short video showing the majestic schools of sardines off Moalboal doing their dance. People v...
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Baby humpback whales 'whisper' to mums to avoid predators...

002 Sherwood Treutel

New recordings show newborn humpback whales and mothers "whisper" to each other, to avoid predators.
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What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

002 Sherwood Treutel

In the heart of the oceans, where the waters have little to do with tourism or merchant shipping, a huge territory called "7th continent", made of hundreds millions of tons of plastics, is growing day after day.
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Is a sustainable tuna industry possible?

002 Sherwood Treutel

Unbeknownst to many western dining tables until just a few decades ago, tuna has today become one of the most consumed fish in the world. The rapid rise in demand, however, has put several species of tuna on the verge of extinction, and...
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TED2017 - Our robotic overlords: The talks of Session 2

Wf 170216 gac 1326 Sean DuBuque

Are machines going to save or destroy us? It’s a question we’ve been grappling with since we first put 1s and 0s together to create computer code. And it feels like we’re no closer to answering it; machines are growing smarter by the day, and...

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TED Cinema Experience

Wf 170216 gac 1326 Sean DuBuque

Once a year, the world’s most powerful ideas are shared on the TED stage in Vancouver, BC. Watch in a special experience for cinemas, captured live.