Learn From The GeniusU Community

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Learning to Learn: You, Too, Can Rewire Your Brain

Fred headshot maxres main Brain Herman

How an engineering professor who “flunked my way” through high school math and science went on to create the world’s most popular online course.
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Equal Pay for Monkeys

The funniest bit of Frans de Waal's TED talk. Check out our new monkey T-shirt! Money to a good cause - http://teespring.com/monkeypay. The full talk origina...
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Where can I find how many dollars I've earnt?

Picture?height=120&width=120 Andrea Reynolds

If you click on Dashboard  in the top right hand corner you'll come to a summary of the week for you.

The first row of indicators shows your weekly progress.

The circle on the right hand side will tell you how...

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My dollars keep on being reset to $0, is that a glitch in...

Picture?height=120&width=120 Andrea Reynolds

Your dollars will get reset to $0 If you don't log into GeniusU every day and miss a day or miss a few days.

But not to worry, whatever you had actually accumulated will be added to your running total of...

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EMC - Step 17 and the Yellow-to-Green Microdegree is out!

Picture?height=120&width=120 Kiana Shanahan

Hi GEMs - EMC Step 17 and the Yellow to Green 'Scaling team and time' Microdegree is out!

When you think of your business as a time machine, where you are constantly turning your time into team, giving you higher performing...

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How do dollars work in GeniusU?

Picture?height=120&width=120 Andrea Reynolds

Every consecutive day a user logs into GeniusU they get more dollars added to their account. The number of dollars that are awarded increases as you login each day as follows:

Day 1 - $1

Day 2 - $2

Day 3 -...

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Wealth Academy invitación

Ram 0891 Samatha Hane

Invitación al encuentro de empresarios para el lanzamiento de WEALTH ACADEMY que se llevará a cabo el próximo jueves 24 de agosto en el espacio de coworking ...
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The school helping traumatised children thrive

Fred headshot maxres main Brain Herman

Staff at a US high school created an environment built on empathy and redemption. Using a framework called trauma-informed care, they acknowledged childhood trauma when addressing behavioural issues – and suspensions dropped by 85 per cent in just...
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Transcript of "7 principles for building better cities"

Will reed Stevie Reichert

TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: More than half of the world's population already lives in cities, and another 2.5 billion people are projected to move to urban areas by 2050. The way we build new cities will be at the heart of so much that...
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How did anthony chadwick go from running a vet practice t...

Genie 04 04 Katheleen Tillman

These four simple questions helped Anthony Chadwick go from running a small vet practice in the UK to overseeing a global, multi-million dollar high-tech business.

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