"Are you allowing change?"


Wealth Vector System

is closing it's doors

with a smile of appreciation

and deep peace.


Thank you for being a part of the Vector Community,

it has been an absolute delight

to offer you a different perspective on your entrepreneurial journey.


Read below for a parting thought and wishes to you all

as I have chosen to pivot in my professional career x




 Pan, the Pandemic & Pandora's Box


Our word pandemic arises from the Greek pandēmos, formed from the two ancient words pan, meaning ‘all’ and dēmos, meaning ‘people‘. Pandemic implies all people.


When used, it reminds us that we are all the same, all on the same journey and all susceptible to the same forces.  Through this collective experience each of our lives and livelihoods have been touched, shaken and are still at risk. We may have found ourselves gripped by the instinct to panic.

It was the great god Pan who lent his name to our word pan-ic, when frightened by his presence, a state of fear and anxiety was evoked. Pan personified the archetypal constellation of pagan power and Nature in all its beauty and in all its savagery. Honouring Pan, acknowledges our human frailties and the gods who dwell in the natural world.

Pan is the only Greek god who was reported to have died. ‘Great Pan is dead’ has come to symbolise institutional collapse, the nadir of a cycle or the end of an era. 

In our endings, this Pandemic returns us to Nature.Planes are not flying, air pollution is decreasing, birds are singing.Pandemic isolates us, inviting us to return to quiet and stillness.

I found it so sad to witness the empty streets, the turmoil unfolding, loss of lives and legislation to stay away from another human being. Yet the sky has been beautiful, bright blue down-under, the birds are singing and my garden is profuse with life. Within a heartbeat, we have come home, a return to Hestia’s hearth; we have been called inside, for our outward nature to be more still.


But in any great story, where a villain runs wild, there is a call for a heroine, one who emerges at a time of great transition to lead the way forwards.    


In ancient times when the natural world was ceding to the civilised one, when Prometheus stole the fire and gave it to humans against the order of the Great God Zeus.  Zeus in his rage with the disobedience, sent a gift.  The gift of Pandora, "One-Who-Has-All-The-Gifts".  Pandora was beautiful, gentle and clever, and in her hands she held the fate of the human world.  A boxed fate that once opened would change everything.   


It did not take long to be enchanted by Pandora’s beauty, with curiosity in hand the lid to her box was lifted and it was as if the beehive had been removed and hundreds of little winged creatures came out.  They flew through the house and out of the windows, spreading in all directions - but these were not bees, bats or birds, they were nothing but hundreds of worries and illnesses.  An era was to come to an end; for illness, worry and trouble had been released upon mankind beyond all measure and Zeus had his retribution.


Now when Pandora saw all these creatures fly out, she quickly closed the lid, but it was too late for only one little winged creature remained inside.  With a pleading cry, this lone creature insisted to be let out.  In the end, Pandora conceded and lifted the lid and out came something so shining and bright she could hardly see - it was a butterfly and her name was Hope.  


And so my friends, as I bid you adieu, it is not to wish you fulfilment, nor expectation or optimism and not even prophecy, it is too wish you the deep peace that even through all the panic, worry and fear unleashed upon us all right now, it is Hope that can help us to overcome.  


This Hope we can pass on, one to another in a time of great change, have faith that Hope will guide and motivate us when all seems to be lost.


I wish you well,



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