Every Hero needs a team of friends and wise insight to succeed.


BUT finding the right people to support and encourage you to execute your business plan and adapt to the market is a huge challenge for most business owners

  • How many entrepreneurial groups have you found that have a process and consistent relational support that you feel is worth committing to?
  • Creative and people talented entrepreneurs (Dynamo and Blaze Geniuses) battle to finish and fully execute. Sticking to the plan when it is not flowing easily is hard. We need the right friends to support us.
  • Detail orientated and connection talented entrepreneurs (Steel and Tempo Geniuses) battle with rapid change and generating new ideas. Knowing when and how to change plans is hard. We need the right friends around us to help us.   
  • Staying motivated and finding supporting people who understand your entrepreneurial journey is not easy.


Imagine yourself being in a community circle that is:

  • Aligned to your purpose and understands your entrepreneurial  passion,
  • Cheers you on and facilitates an ongoing relationship with others that become your friends,
  • Accepts who you are and values your uniqueness,
  • Cares enough to give insight, and
  • Helps you be accountable to the goals you have set for yourself and your business


This circle is where you can find friends and apply the Hero’s Journey to your entrepreneurial endeavour. Together we can use a tried and tested process to help us through each growth process. The Hero’s Journey gives us clarity where we are, encouragement that we can get through the tough times, and the band of brothers and sisters who will give the support we all need so much.


This circle aims to facilitate the support we all need to apply the insight and wisdom in GeniusU, using the Hero’s Journey to help us through our cycles of growth. The Hero’s Journey will also help us brand ourselves and share our value to our clients.


Our vision is to facilitate the community that you really desire with regular interaction in a structured and relational process. Come join and help mold this community with your insight and unique value so that we can serve our clients and help them be the Hero’s they are called to be. In so doing we will be living our best lives.      


What is the Hero’s Journey?

The Hero’s Journey is a sequential process we all go through many times if we choose to grow and become increasingly successful. It is so innate in all of us that famous myths from all cultures are structured around it. Most successful movies follow the Hero’s Journey and all business success depends on how well we execute and repeatedly push through the process. It is a very powerful flow of life that can be applied in so many areas of our lives. The Hero’s Journey structure applies incredibly well to business success and personal growth.

This animated TedEx talk explains it very well in 4 minutes.  What makes a hero?  – Matthew Winkler TedEx talk  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhk4N9A0oCA )


Joseph Campbell famously articulated the Hero’s Journey in his book ”The Hero with a thousand faces” (1949).  He studied cultures and myths from all over the world and demonstrates that all stories have the same pattern. He called it the Hero’s Journey. Here is a 12 step summary:

  1. The Ordinary World: the hero is seen in their everyday life – The Hero can be you or your client    
  2. The Call to Adventure: the initiating incident of the story – a significant problem arises / there is a call to grow / change
  3. Refusal of the Call: the hero experiences some hesitation to answer the call -  your client / you are uncertain if you should engage
  4. Meeting with the Mentor: the hero gains the supplies, knowledge, and confidence needed to commence the adventure – you could be the mentor offering the solution to your client / or you meet the person who will lead you through your growth
  5. Crossing the First Threshold: the hero commits wholeheartedly to the adventure – decision to act and fully engage / this could be your client engaging you
  6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies: the hero explores the special world, faces trial, and makes friends and enemies – the challenging process you and/or client has to go through  
  7. Approach to the Innermost Cave: the hero nears the center of the story and the special world – your team is key to get you to this point
  8. The Ordeal: the hero faces the greatest challenge yet and experiences death and rebirth – the place where you face your fears and are challenged the most
  9. Reward: the hero experiences the consequences of surviving death – get through the trial and deliver
  10. The Road Back: the hero returns to the ordinary world or continues to an ultimate destination – move forward after conquering character and situational challenges
  11. The Resurrection: the hero experiences a final moment of death and rebirth so they are pure when they re-enter the ordinary world – second trial, often related to reconciliation  
  12. Return with the Elixir: the hero returns with something to improve the ordinary world – made it through and ready to apply the lessons learned to the next growth cycle



Every great story has universal elements, from the hero, to the guide, to the challenge, to the great plan, testing, trials, and the eventual resolution. This is as true in business as it is in the movies. Let us become the team that help others succeed and in so doing helps ourselves succeed.  


Your purpose and passions are too important to leave it up to yourself. You need a band of brothers and sisters with you to succeed. We need you as much as you need us.   

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