Stress can affect your digestive system, with frequent - and occasionally uncomfortable - symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, convulsions, nausea, and acid indigestion.

Uncontrolled stress can lead to serious gastrointestinal problems. Chronic moods and anxiety may exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as celiac disease and Crohn's disease, gastric ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease.

The condition of the stomach

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who was known as the father of modern medicine, insisted that "all diseases come from the intestines". More than 2,000 years later, scientists and doctors learn more about gastrointestinal health. It becomes clear how strong the correlation between stomach and brain is.

It should not be a surprise. After all, this connection can be heard in our language.

If you feel nervous, you have butterflies in your stomach. If something is wrong, you feel it "in the stomach" or "in the pit of the stomach". If you encounter something that worries you enough, you may not even be able to "stand it" at all.

There are some interesting mechanisms involved in the mind-gut connection. Strong emotions such as fear, grief and even joy can activate the combat or escape response. Adrenaline and other stress hormones flood the body. This distress signal is taken up by nerve endings in the stomach, which can lead to a number of possible physiological changes. These include gastrointestinal contractions, esophageal spasms and gastric inflammation. It can also make us more susceptible to infections.

Fat Chance

With prolonged stress, the metabolism can be greatly weakened. One reason for this is that in combat or flight mode, digestion is suppressed when blood is drained from the stomach to deal with the perceived threat. Stress also causes the production of cortisol and insulin, hormones that instruct the body to store fat rather than building muscle. The trusted source for everything a fast company

"Stress can affect any part of the digestive system," Dr. Kenneth Koch, medical director of the Digestive Health Center at Baptist Medical Center of Wake Forest University, opposite EverydayHealth.

How do you spell relief?

If you are overwhelmed and your stomach feels angry, you can take steps to improve your situation.

It is always good to talk to a doctor who will determine if you have severe stomach problems. You can also go straight to the source and reduce stress. If you have trouble eliminating your anxiety, you should consult a psychologist or speak with a therapist.

There are also a number of gentle and mindful activities that can help you relax. You can practice yoga, meditation and conscious breathing or spend time in nature. Some people find comfort in keeping a journal or spending time with friends.

Moderate exercise, both cardio and strength, is another important way to promote serenity. You can plan regular outdoor or treadmill walks, try water aerobics, or set yourself up for something challenging to regularly relieve mental energy. You can determine what type of physical activity suits you best, depending on your fitness goals. The Mayo Clinic recommends that you work out for at least 30 minutes a day.

A balanced diet can do wonders in fighting stress

In troubling times, some people tend to binge on food and seek relief from greasy, salty or sugary snacks. This will do nothing but aggravate the symptoms of stress, especially in your gut, and add nausea, constipation and diarrhea to the list. This can also be referred to as "stress eating," which only worsens the situation when the stress level continues to rise. However, there are other foods that have a mood-stabilizing effect that is ultimately more beneficial than the temporary high - and the subsequent crash - that comes from junk food.

Stressbusters include:

  1. blueberries
  2. pistachios
  3. dark chocolate
  4. milk
  5. salmon
  6. Turkey
  7. green-leaved vegetables

This is news that believe another of Hippocrates' favorite words, "Let food be your medicine and medicine your food."
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