I am a Visionary with a Mission of Raising Humanity to a whole new Level of Consciousness!
After saving lives for 8 years as a firefighter, I realized my Life's Purpose was to Serve the World.
My journey through entrepreneurship, meditation and spirituality led me to discover the Secrets of how to find other people's Purpose so that they can Attract Miracles and Create an Abundance of Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness around them!
By helping others live on their purpose, I can make a much bigger impact in this world.
We, as humans, are all parts of a 7.7 billion piece puzzle, we all have a role to play to make this planet prosper with sustainability. We are all connected through our purpose!
Are you clear on yours? Do you know who you are and why are you here?
Here's a simple task I ask you to do to find your purpose. Take a blank sheet of paper and divide it in 2 from top to bottom. On the left write PASSIONS and write down 3 to 5 things you really really love to do. On the right, write SKILLS and write down 3 to 5 things that you are really good at and come easy to you. Those are your gifts.
Done? That was easy right!
Now look at those passions and skills of yours. Some will be on both sides. You are now one step closer to your Life's Purpose!
Your life's purpose will make the world a better place and this is why the best business minds have joined me to serve you on your journey!
With Love,
Guillaume McMartin
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