Your Weekly Entrepreneurial Insight for 9th - 15th Sept 2019

Which Vector will contribute to keeping me at a higher state of energy and flow this week?

Vector 6.2 Support
Give freely and generously to support others.

Be committed to the well being and support of others.

Laying down conditions or keeping to yourself.
Not sharing.

A wealthy philanthropist takes time to personally distribute rice to the poor, giving freely.


This Vector will assist in providing you with a state of increase and expansion.

There is movement towards gains when we activate Support, opportunity comes knocking as your past sacrifices will be rewarded.

Being in a position and energy of Support will enable you to cross the Great Stream overcoming barriers and obstacles.
You receive sincere support and freely give this to others, while an increase in trust ensures greater gains are made that allow for flourishing conditions.

The collaboration of the Accumulator (wind) and Star (thunder/lightning) brings supportive financial gains with a change for the better. There is an increase for the ‘family’.
As with all the Vectors, these are in motion and therefore it is time this week to Ascend. You must seize the opportunity while it is available, it is up to you to give and receive as much as possible during this auspicious time.

1: A time to accomplish great deeds.
2: Through the support of others, there are great gains to be had.
3: You find enrichment and gains despite changing dire circumstances.
4: Walk the middle path.
5: There is trust, acting out of the kindness of one’s own heart.
6: Once you gain the prosperity, you must share it with others.

Steady your heart,

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