Your Weekly Entrepreneurial Insight for 26th August - 1st September 2019
What Vector will support our thinking as we move to the end of the business quarter this week?”
Vector 7.1 Patience
Provide your experience as input but not direction.
Give your knowledge with no expectation of the outcome.
Trying to direct things.
Being too quick to judge or connect.
A farmer patiently waiting for rain, where he has no control over the elements.
It is a week to wait for nourishment, Water (Lord) sits over Heaven (Creator), you will not be able to force change or will it to be different than it is. This is a period of waiting before your success can be assured.
When we activate the Lord we are temporarily cloaking ourselves, not to be visible and to lay low for a time. The first steps are to stay out of the limelight and off the tongues of others, to be anchored into your greater purpose, as there will be benefits to your concealment as you work out your best strategy and your next steps.
All you can do in the present is to adjust your attitude and be patient, the Divine will come your way. Do you have the required faith necessary to persevere?
Know your purpose and stay true to that.
Wait in the countryside ~ in the face of difficulties, do not take action or react hastily.
Waiting on the sandy shore ~ be the one who remains calm in the midst of general unrest and do not seek blame.
Waiting in the mud ~ remain alert and attentive, do not be bogged down, remain still. Bandits can come when you lose focus and attention.
Lingering in the blood ~ it is not about retreating or advancing it is about leaving the cave by finding the light and moving towards it. The Light will assist you.
Lingering with food and wine ~ there will be intervals of peace, enjoy these moments, resting is not giving up, maintain readiness to assert yourself.
Entering into the cave ~ your destiny becomes clearer, even though you left the darkness of the cave you return to it, yield to the fate as there will be an unexpected turn - outside intervention will come and all will be well in the end.
The Creator will provide you with the creative force, innovation, intuition to strengthen and expand your energy to the Heavens. The Vision unfolds in a greater capacity after a period of waiting with the Lord.
Accept the help that shows up and share your gratitude,
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