Your Weekly Entrepreneurial Insight for 5th - 11th August 2019

What is the best way we can recover a sense of Abundance this week?”

Vector 4.7 ADVERSITY
Remain flexible in the face of inflexibility

Be open and dynamic to handle potentially adverse conditions.

Being inflexible. Pushing against a difficult situation.

A man sitting in a dilapidated and broken down home weathered by the elements.

This Vector is instructing you to pick yourself up, be grounded, aware of your environment and in the reality of your circumstances. Bring clarity and focus to your true heart’s desires and longings for Abundance.

Abundance has and default relationship to mean money, but it can be in your Wealth, Health, Lifestyle and Business too.

As part of your recovery for a greater experience and sense of Abundance, we come to see there is no water in the lake.

You may have been travelling through a period of time where you are exhausted, entangled, oppressed and feeling trapped. You have made sacrifices and sustained losses for a greater good and for greater successes - your perseverance will be rewarded.

To be in flow with a sense of Abundance will require more than just your words, as they will feel empty and hold no credibility, especially if you have not turned your gaze inward and done the necessary work.

Be honest with yourself, with the Deal Maker we can seek close, trusted friends and allies to share our “pains” with in order to validate our feelings, this meaningful act will achieve results in your process.

The Lord instructs us to be clear and concise in ‘recovery’, you need the Steel energy through facts and figures but without losing the warmth of Blaze and compassion of Earth. This will activate your whole system.
Our steps through the difficult change will be temporary and a new window will open for opportunities of gain and advancement, as long as we remain flexible and dynamic in the face of seemingly adverse conditions .

Follow through with gentleness:

1: Oppressed by self doubt, if you stay here you will fail, it is required that you lift yourself up from the dust. Stand upon the Earth, not sit or lie down.

2: A state of inner oppression even though externally all seems well - internally feeling exhausted, with worries and seeking to escape. Patience and seek out preservation.

3: You are overwhelmed unable to cope, indecisiveness is creating entanglement.

4: Difficulties with understanding who you really are. These difficult times will ease, you will find what you're looking for.

5: No gains, disappointments, signs of sacrifice but losses for a greater good, you are contributing - stay flexible.

6: The oppression is in your mind, these bonds can be easily broken. There can be regrets from the past acceptance that that is ok. Walking the path of self awareness and understanding will lead to a change in attitude and you will find your resolve again. Making a firm decision you will master the oppression.

Weave logic, reason and rationality together with emotional expression, intuition and spiritual understanding ~ step into recovery this week and experience the Abundance.

With Love,

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