Your Weekly Entrepreneurial Insight for 17th - 23rd June 2019

Which Vector can assist us to be positioned with authority in our market?

Vector 2.5 Preparation
Plan for the future and collect resources in preparation.

Tread lightly and lay out your plans with consideration.

Bulldozing or raising your expectations.
Hurrying impatiently.

Farmers sowing seeds in the fields, taking time and treading lightly on the moving earth.

As we all know the reality of “overnight success stories”, is hinged on the years of unseen perseverance, hard work, failure, dedication and preparation.

With this Vector the energy of the 2. Star needs to be grounded to the 5. Trader, the Lightning strikes the Earth.

Earth can become hard, dry, seemingly futile, caught in procrastination. The Lightning is a welcomed strike to arouse, awaken and break up the malaise, in preparation for the rain.

You may be in or come through a period of exhaustion, with weakened willpower, feeling aimless or experiencing blocked aspirations. This Vector will can assist you to gain greater energy, verve, ambition and the motivation required to shake off the weakness, renouncing hesitation.

When you are unsure of your authority, unsure of yourself you feed the anxiety and emit desperate "infrared" energy seeking support and reassurance. This usually leads to delays, but action must be taken now.
Seize the moment and eradicate the lethargy.

Firstly, prepare inwards.

Find what motivates you from within,
what sparks enthusiasm in you and let that propel you forwards.

Your inner strength and confidence will attract the right allies who also believe in you and gather in preparation for greatness. Lay out your plans with consideration and resources and people will gather in fortuitous collaboration.

Move with enthusiasm,

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