With the rise of the internet and technology, firms of the modern age have been able to employ unique techniques in terms of marketing. They are using social platforms that people are increasingly accessing on a daily basis from devices such as tablets and smartphones. On the same note, technology is being used in sectors such as gaming whereby you are bound to find poker games online in various types of devices. This article looks at the key similarities between online marketing and poker through the following:

•    Comprehension of Data- When it comes to poker, you have to comprehend the odds of hitting your cards to get a winning hand. You have to employ a strategy with each game so that you do not end up losing money. Likewise, when it comes to online marketing, you have to understand how to report data and analytics as well as applying them so as to get results. You have to engage in some form of strategy in your online marketing campaigns.

•    The intersection of Creativity and Data- Having enough knowledge does not make you a good player. Having good data does not result in a good digital marketer either. However, integrating both with some level of creativity ensures that the numbers transform into results. Remember that in common games such as domino poker which favor beginners, experienced players need to get creative and at the same time disguise their emotions so as to win.

•    Comprehending Competition- In poker, you have to understand your opponent through their body movement, style of play or even strategies used. In the same way, online marketers have to follow competitive metrics while at the same time being keen on the tactics that opponents use in the market. This way, they are able to gain some form of competitive advantage and lead the market which translates to profits or increased sales.

•    Patience and Focus- Elite poker players know that for you to win, you have to combine high levels of heroic patience and focus. In specific situations such as tournaments, winners are separated from losers from these two elements. Online marketing aligns to this from the fact that if you want to grow, you must e ati8ent and focused. For instance, if you just started off a blog, give it some time for the content to expand and traffic will be flowing your way.

•    Be Able to Evolve Quickly- In any poker game, having a strategy is essential. Having the ability to shift between different strategies comes as an added advantage to many players. It helps them match the emotional mindsets of opponents. In the same way, digital marketers must be ready to evolve at all times as the internet gets more complex. More tools and platforms continue to be rolled out and marketers should adapt to these to stay ahead.

From the above points, it is clear that there are distinct similarities between online marketing and poker.

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