Starting a company, for many young entrepreneurs, can feel like a wild adventure. The adventure is part of the thrill, but it can sometimes feel very out of control: Lack of client consistency, lack of customer consistency, management issues and more contribute to the struggle.

If you feel that you too are being pulled in a million different directions every day and the length of your to-do list rivals War and Peace, it may be time for you to take back control and perform better, too. Here are six tips that may help:

1. Defend and respond.

When approached in a manner that is threatening or is a clear attack, your first job is to block the immediate threat. In business, it might be stepping into the conflict and addressing the topic head-on. Don't shy away and wait, address the topic as soon as it arises.

2. Ask for help.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. The more people who have a vested interest in helping you succeed, the more likely that success will be achieved and maintained.

3.  Take a vacation

Taking a vacation has been one of the most powerful ways of taking back control. Time off provides you with an opportunity to recharge your batteries, gain perspective and generate more ideas to add to that infernal to-do list. Stepping back allows you to step back into the business with renewed vigor and excitement.

Being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean that you have to do it all. Success requires that you take back control and do the right stuff at the right time. And the rest of the ideas and to-do list? You can do those tomorrow.

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