To all of you who have accepted friendship with me lately - but haven't heard from me; 

The connections system here is not working at the moment, so just that you do not think me rude, I have to reach out here:

I am looking forward to get to know you all better - so please tell me more about what you do, and where you are going!?


I run an online accounting company, and have been an Entrepreneur / StartUp mentor for more than 10 years - included in my Female Courage Foundation. 

Besides that I love networking, and have a huge contact base world wide - which I gladly share!


So feel free to connect on my social links & join any of my circles + add me as a mentor, if you need my personal help.


Winning by Sharing 


+45 50244044



Tip on How to get started on GU 


Of course feel free to connect/join any of my circles  - for example
 the biggest on GeniusU: 

 101 GeniusU Knowledge Sharing 

and any of the others - of interest to you - tagged to this article


PLEASE send ME a message in my inbox - for us to start conversations!

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