When a company page is created, the system also makes a circle for the company.

Some of you already had a circle for your company *) so there might be a bit confusion for others to know how to use the different ones for engagement.

To avoid that people are posting/tagging **) your company unrelated etc., it might be an idea to make others aware of the purpose of your different circles. 

Of course always in the description of the circle - but as not all see/read that before - especially tagging, as its not clear from the circle list: 

Maybe best in the name of the circle like this for example 


a way to see the difference between company circles and others, is that the country of origin is mentioned under the company circle name.

Request to the development team:

*) would be really nice if the company owner had the choice to choose that the company circle is linked to an existing one - and/or if one could merge circles, please :-)

**) a feature of making circles untaggable might also be useful :-)

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