As a person who loves stories, I thoroughly enjoyed and wanted to share this article from one of my favourite Internet authors, James Clear about the power of constraints to propel us to get things done - proving to both us and our unconscious, the power of resolve and strengthening our self belief in achievement through adversity, even if that adversity is great fun.

James uses the example of the writing of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Suess (Theo Geisel) off the back of a bet he had with his publisher. I hope you enjoy the article and share your memory about a time when you worked within constraints to create some of your best work.

Here's the Link

Be sure to take 1.5 mins to watch the video in the footnote, highly recommended!

For my Auckland friends, (And everyone else since @Diane reminded me we are the first in the world every day to see the first light) I wish you a productive, connected day ahead. G.

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