People are asking me:

"What did you actually win?"

- other than the honor of course :-)

GeniusU Team is actually not going to make it public - but I do not see a reason for it to be a secret. Why should it ?

Hopefully it may even act as a "carrot" for some - to really get into the game   

I actually won in 3 categories:

1. For winning the most amount of Genius Dollars as an individual  

US$ 1000 in cash 

+ Genius$ 1000

2. For winning the most giving impacts in my circle "101 - GeniusU Knowledge Sharing"

US$ 1000 in cash 

+ Genius$ 1000
+ 5 x $1000 cash vouchers to circle members

3. For earning the most Genius Dollars in my circle "101 - GeniusU Knowledge Sharing"

Genius$ 500

+ 5 x $1000 cash vouchers to circle members

So as you can imagine - it was like Christmas here   


- knowing that there is much more to win, besides a lot of KNOWLEDGE & HELP to those in need !!!


The prizes and ways to win in the second round of The World Game - is still a secret - but is apparently going to change  

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