Your weekly business focus.�

8th - 14th January 2018

A defined focus for our Operating Team - the team, culture & vision that defines the enterprise.

Even without a current team in place, we can consider the enterprise culture & vision.

This is the energy of Fire - light up the fire in others & spread outwards.

The question this week:

“What else can I choose this week that will allow my team, vision & the culture of my business to flourish more than it ever has?”

Vector Card: 6.3 Family

“Uphold the rules and culture between you and your team”

ACTION: Approach those around you as family, with an agreed code.

AVOID: Leaving people to their own devices.

Being detached.


Family living in domestic bliss, with a set of rules to live by in harmony.


With selecting this card, 6.3 Family; Roger’s first episode on Values, becomes an important component to our week.

Watch it here:

What are the “rules” in place, defining your team, culture and vision.

This Vector brings the essence of the clan, the family - it is the quality of interdependence.

Consider the environment, is it one that allows to work & to learn, fostering belonging, encouragement, connection allowing others to feel safe, significant & valued.

Your leading “clan” that gives light to others will shine & radiate.

Leading from behind, leading by setting the example - come together as a family where there is interdependence for greater accomplishment.

Leave no “housekeeping” unattended, attention to detail and taking time to set the “rules” will bring further success. Collecting & organising what is already there, maintain a down-to-earth approach.

Govern with love and not fear.

Have a prosperous week.

Let me know if this is insightful in the comments below.

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