When Alison Warner started her consulting company Evolve and Grow, her focus was too broad and this made growing her business difficult. Today, Alison has a 86% client retention rate and 24 clients across the company.


How can getting focused on a niche help you grow your business? 

Find your niche


Alison met Roger James Hamilton, social entrepreneur and creator of Wealth Dynamics, in 2013 and joined the Crystal Circle group - a mentoring group for entrepreneurs.

Alison already had her company Evolve and Grow, which she had started in 2010 but didn’t know how to niche her consulting, to effectively grow her business. 

Roger told Alison, "As the world gets noisier, if you don't become No.1 at one thing, you'll never be heard, or recommended by others. That's why it's essential to niche."

Alison went on to get certified as a Performance Consultant, and has been attending Wealth Dynamics Masters for 5 years. During this time Alison began to find a client niche,

“I had started my business working with large organisations.  I stumbled into the small business world after working with a variety of sectors. Now we specialise in construction and trade. As a mechanic profile, I realised it’s the sector I can help the most - they’re usually in absolute chaos and inundated with work. In trade and construction, many people were never trained how to run a business so processes and structures aren’t in place, and the whole business is stuck in a cycle of insecurity.” 

“I didn’t choose them, they found me. We took an air conditioning company from 68k turnover to 400k turnover in 18 months. It’s been another 18 months since and now the turnover is 750k”.

The air-conditioning company was so happy with their results, that they referred Alison to other companies they knew, and her business grew exponentially. 

Because of the increased demand for her business, Alison has created the BUILD system, allowing her to train others to work within the sector. 

Notice Trends

Alison began noticing trends in the niche she was focused on. 

“Most trades people are a mix of Blaze and Tempo geniuses - they’re great at the front of house customer stuff but not often great at building systems to run their business. What’s lacking is the steel energy. We help them put a financial forecast in place, to show them that bringing someone in with that energy part time, can release the flow of business, which they’re generally blocking, by trying to do it all themselves. We show them where they are, what their Wealth Dynamics profiles are, and the other 2 people they need in place to balance their teams.”

On average, the clients that have gone through Evolve and Grow consulting over 12 months, have a sales increase of 45% and overall profit increase of 214%. 

One such client is Lee, a garage mechanic who came to Alison 2 years ago extremely stressed and struggling financially. Lee wasn’t making enough money, and was paying himself very little in order to cover costs and pay his employees. 

Alison worked with him to change his mindset, and supported him in his Lord profile - an unusual profile for a tradesperson- teaching him how to use accounting software. 

Lee followed through, making the mindset shift and with the tools he had learnt his Lord energy shone through in the details - he loves the figures, but never had the right training. Last Christmas he had £20k left in the bank, after paying all of his employees and taxes. This year, Lee will have double that by Christmas! 

Through getting focused, Alison is helping people understand where their strengths lie using Talent Dynamics, so they can build their businesses and surround themselves with people in flow. 

Is your business niche-focused? What trends have you noticed to help you focus further? 

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