What’s the best way to monetize your personal brand? Content? Endorsements? Sponsorship?

Take a tip from Oprah, who has taken a strategy that today has made her $275 million.

Two years ago, in October 2015, Oprah became a celebrity spokesperson for Weight Watchers and, instead of earning through fees or royalties, she decided to invest $43 million in the company.

At the time, she said “I believe in the program so much I decided to invest in the company and partner in its evolution.”

She joined the board and Weight Watchers’ shares popped 92% the next day. 

Since then, Oprah has continued to tweet out and speak up for Weight Watchers as the share price continued to grow.

Then, three months ago Mindy Grossman became the new CEO after years running the Home Shopping Network, revamping Weight Watchers’ program and online products.

Last night, the company’s third quarter report came out with record numbers, and the shares jumped up 12% from $44.67 to $50 per share in after-hours trading.

Oprah bought her 6,362,103 shares at $6.79 a share. At $50, the shares have grown 700% in two years, and Oprah’s profit to date is over $275 million.

As you build your own personal brand, are you monetizing in the same way?

What companies would benefit from your value?

And what if you were to earn from the growth in their shares instead of simply from fees?

Equity multiplies earnings.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” ~ Henry Ford

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