Sometimes Roger James Hamilton gives the analogy of the Ship especially when talking about the different levels of the spectrum.

I just wanted to elaborate on this excellent analogy, as I think it is a really excellent example to demonstrate the importance of being Solid Orange (Earning more than you're spending) before making the move to Yellow Level (Having your own smooth running business)

When you're Orange it's like you're part of the crew of a ship, looking to get your own ship (Yellow).


When you're Red it's like your ship is sinking and you're just about keeping afloat by taking a bucket and constantly pouring water out of the ship so you don't sink.


When you're Infrared it's like you've fallen off the ship and you're in the water just trying to stay afloat without drowning.


So when you've got a bucket in your hand or just semi-drowning you can imagine it's not going to be easy to go and get your own ship!

And if you'd like to come along for the journey, please feel free to join my new circle by clicking the link below:

I've also recently launched a competition to join a Startup & Business Accelerator

That shows you how to generate an extra $1000 per month in predictable, repeatable revenue

and holds your hand all the way via online group meetings and daily communication

and instead of paying $2375, you have the chance to win it for free!

Just click the link below to enter for free:

P.S. This article was originally intended primarily for the 101 - Accelerate from Orange to Solid Yellow Circle, but there have been a host of technical difficulties. Hopefully they have now been resolved and everything should hopefully run smoothly.

I'll be posting the few articles that I add into this circle to test that everything is working fine and to get everything up to speed. 

So please bear with me during this initial teething phase.

Thank you :)

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