There is a critical step.

You could say the make or break step. 

The step over 90% of people fail. 

The one that is the dividing line between freedom and 9-5 drudgery.

And that is the move from Orange (Employee)  to Yellow (Your own fully functional business that isn't a burden) .

There are thousands and thousands of offerings out there on the internet telling you what business system to use to get there. 

But in my experience the critical elements are whether you have a strong foundation (i.e. you have sorted out all the steps in the Infrared to Red and Red to Orange Microdegrees) 

And that you have certain attitudes and practices in place which are executed consistently like clockwork. (Which need to be applied when following all of the micro degrees)

In this circle I hope we can all share the critical knowledge required to make that step a successful one.

The circle is called  "101 - Accelerate from Orange to Solid Yellow", if you'd like to join please click the link below:

I've also recently launched a competition to join a Startup & Business Accelerator

That shows you how to generate an extra $1000 per month in predictable, repeatable revenue

and holds your hand all the way via online group meetings and daily communication

and instead of paying $2375, you have the chance to win it for free!

Just click the link below to enter for free:

P.S. This article was originally intended primarily for the 101 - Accelerate from Orange to Solid Yellow Circle, but there have been a host of technical difficulties. Hopefully they have now been resolved and everything should hopefully run smoothly.

I'll be posting the few articles that I add into this circle to test that everything is working fine and to get everything up to speed. 

So please bear with me during this initial teething phase.

Thank you :)

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