Entrepreneurs Institute is a leading entrepreneur education group founded by Social Entrepreneur & Futurist, Roger James Hamilton. The mission behind is to empower and inspire entrepreneurs to follow their flow.

I’m sure you’ve noticed there’s plenty of advice out there on what TO DO to build your business (or get a job).

In this week’s Entrepreneur TV video, I share my story on what NOT TO DO!

This is a story I haven’t included in the book – The switch from making the worst mistake that I had made (more than once) when starting my first businesses (and the reason they failed), to the five steps I still use every time I start anything new.

If you are wondering why it’s so difficult to grow your business, find new customers or attract the right people to work with, this video holds the key to reverse all of that.

Learn the five steps to tap in to the flow that is already all around us – the flow of people, resources and money.

Avoid mistakes in your business venture and reach out for great sales should be your motto.

I also share in the video what I’m doing, where I’m going and who I’m meeting in the upcoming months. With an invitation to meet with me and join in the journey.

I look forward to connecting!


Keep shining brightly,


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