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Entrepreneur Social Glasgow
Entrepreneur Socials (ES) are monthly networking events for entrepreneurs to engage and connect with purpose driven individuals who value collaboration and problem solving.
Each event features a speaker who is creating impact in the community and whose work supports the UN...
Changing Lives
How to run a successful business is the aim for all of us passionate in what we do but it takes a lot of time, energy and commitment.
We share the experience, the knowledge and the expertise of being in business for over 21 years for those open to learning.
This group is...
French-Speaking Enterpreneurs Community
Retrouvons-nous ensemble tous les Francophones de Genius U pour s'entraider et pouvoir encore plus agrandir cette communauté. Mon désir est d'être capable de traduire tous les produits de Genius U en français. Qui veut m'aider à agrandir notre communauté ? Invitez vos amis à...
Wealth Dynamics auf Deutsch
Coming up soon.
Mehr Informationen in Kürze.
Social Media
social Media
Addiction Free Zone
21– day addiction free zone program designed to connect people all walk of life to experience how addiction cycle can be defeated as long as you have the will power. We will walk through this journey together and unconditionally.
Managing stress and overwhelm
Specific focus on tools, tips and ideas to find the best 'you' without the derailment of stresses that naturally appear in our lives.
GAP2017 Tribe
Genius Apprentice Program Alumni 2017
Thailand Mentor Circle
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Dallas Entrepreneurs
This circle is dedicated to Dallas Entrepreneurs.