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Genius for Young people

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Sanda Treutel

Sanda Treutel
posted in mentor circle: Get Up and Go with your Genius Journal

May 23, 2019 at 21:07 in Sligo, Ireland.

'Be respectful. Everyone deserves respect.' Be attentive without rushing to judge. Everyone has something unique to contribute. Listen for that, respectfully.

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Hi, guys

I have just done my number 1 purpose test and found out my number 1 purpose is "Quality Education"

After I have done the test, I reviewed what I have done in my past few years, I found out I have invested most of...


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Greg Leuschke

Greg Leuschke

Mar 30, 2019 at 09:46 in United Kingdom

Peace Thanks to Roger and Everyone at Genius U Entrepreneur Institute I found the Word Purpose and Passion

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Desmond Kreiger

Desmond Kreiger

Sep 28, 2018 at 23:49 in Australia

Optimise learning by including visuals to help learners learn at their best.

8 Strategies To Make Learning Visual In Your Classroom -

8 Strategies To Make Learning Visual In Your Classroom by TeachThought Staff & Jackie Gerstein, TeachThought PD Facilitator How about some strategies for visual learning? Though the idea of ‘learning styles’ has fallen out of favor in education, the idea that there are different methods of ‘ingesting’ information and that differences between and across these methods …
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  • Janessa Mills

    Janessa Mills

    Sep 29, 2018 at 08:17 in New Zealand

    Being visual I really appreciate visual stimulation.

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Sanda Treutel

Sanda Treutel
posted in mentor circle: Get Up and Go with your Genius Journal

Jul 1, 2018 at 12:58 in Sligo, Ireland.

'Don't let go of your personal power'. Hold on to what personally empowers you and let others hold on to what empowers them. Power is not always personal.

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  • Sanda Treutel

    Sanda Treutel

    Jul 1, 2018 at 21:33 in Sligo, Ireland.

    If we are truly owning our personal power, we need not fear anyone controlling us. They are just doing what they are doing. We cannot be 'controlled' by anyone, but we can be 'disempowered' if we give up our power.
  • Felton Jerde

    Felton Jerde

    Jul 1, 2018 at 19:16 in United States

    I love it, Eileen! One of my life mantras is not giving control of my personal power away to no one, no parents, partner, friends or even mentors or else they will control me.

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Regan Kub

Regan Kub posted Best of both: Are 'diamond schools' the future of education?

Nov 30, 2017 at 06:40 in Newquay, UK

It is an age-old discussion had by parents all over the country as their children near the end of primary school.


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London - ​UK designer Tom Cridland is aiming to give back to young entrepreneurs around the world with the launch of his latest campaign: The Entrepreneur's Shirt. Best known for his 30 Year Sweatshirt, T-shirt and Jacket, Cridland's latest produ


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