If you missed this weeks web event here is the recording, it will be available for 72 hours and then we will be taking it down.
Add it to your weekend "to-do" list :)
If you missed this weeks web event here is the recording, it will be available for 72 hours and then we will be taking it down.
Add it to your weekend "to-do" list :)
There is still time to join our two FREE Web Events today.
10am AEST or 7 pm AEST
We have almost 1,200 registered across the two sessions, are you joining us?
Hurry! Register now:
Your niche gives clarity of message to the market and underpins your content strategy.
My question for today is “how clear is your niche, can you explain what you do in two sentences or less”?
How do you feel about big brother?
It’s no secret that on occasion, government agencies across the world obtain personal information from individuals.
But how should we feel when this happens on...
Influence is something you earn not claim to be. Though there are plenty of people happy to shout it from their digital rooftop. They are the fake it until they make it crowd, not my kind of people.
I share a line in...
Ever get the feeling that LinkedIn lacks a certain personal element?
This used to be true, but soon, streaming video through LinkedIn Live will launch. It’s LinkedIn’s answer to streaming on its platform, much like Facebook or...
Tribe is the latest buzz word for community.
So whether you prefer tribe, community, my peeps or something else doesn't really matter and there are many ways to engage with your tribe.
Online groups like this is one, Meetups is...
If you are in Brisbane and can make it on July 4th, would like to come to this event? If so use this link to get a 50% discount.
Would you use LinkedIn as a digital nomad?
Digital nomads rarely utilise everything LinkedIn has to offer. Most people see the platform through tunnel vision and only use it for a few standard things.
As a...
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Nelda Emard
Nelda Emard
Nelda Emard
Unknown user
Nelda Emard
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