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Your Genius on GeniusU
Which path would support you to feel like a genius? When you follow your natural genius, you live life with less resistance - and joy and success naturally flow towards you. Take the simple and free Genius Test and discover your genius.
Health Dynamics DANMARK - finder I her:
What path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. But if you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work. Take the free, one minute Genius Test, and discover your genius.
Talent Dynamics DANMARK - finder I her:
What path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. But if you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work. Take the free, one minute Genius Test, and discover your genius.
Millionaire Master Plan - Danmark - finder I her:
What path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. But if you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work. Take the free, one minute Genius Test, and discover your genius.
Har nogen herinde problem med at forstå noget af det engelske i tests osv., så er I mere end velkomne til at spørge - enten her, eller mig direkte!
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Circle Leaders - how to appoint them...... STEP 2 > press blue "arrow"-button > PopUp will ask if you want to promote to leader :-)
Circle Leaders - how to appoint them......
> Go to Circle
> press green "Manage Members"-button
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