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Start gerne med at introducere jer selv - inkl. lidt om hvad I laver, og hvad I evt. ønsker hjælp med, og/eller kan tilbyde - samt selvfølgelig hvilken type Geni I er, når I har taget testen her:
Your Genius on GeniusU
Which path would support you to feel like a genius? When you follow your natural genius, you live life with less resistance - and joy and success naturally flow towards you. Take the simple and free Genius Test and discover your genius.
HUSK vi starter i morgen: "How to Rise Up in Down Times" - Turn the Crash to Cash, i det nye 4-ugers-kursus: "Cash Flow Crash Course" med Kiana Shanahan
Hvis nogen har lyst til at vi gør sammen, og kan støtte / videndele med hinanden, hen ad vejen - så skriv PB
Cash Flow Crash Course
Turn the Crash to Cash in the four week
Cash Flow Crash Course,
with Roger James Hamilton, Founder of
Genius Group - the World’s No.1
Entrepreneur Education Group
HUSK den nye start på 2020 med "Entrepreneur Dynamics, the No.1 agile leadership system for entrepreneurs."
Entrepreneur Dynamics on GeniusU
Step into the new decade with Entrepreneur Dynamics, the No.1 agile leadership system for entrepreneurs. This Microdegree takes you through each step of Entrepreneur Dynamics, and how to apply the agile leadership principles in the system to your company and in your team. Whether you are a start-up or an established multinational company, this Microdegree gives you the steps to be future-ready.
APRIL-tilbud: Wealth Dynamics-test HALV PRIS - eller tag testen MED min hjælp & analyse, til standardpris $97 -
Wealth Dynamics Profile Test | Take The Test
Wealth Dynamics is the only personality test that tells you exactly what strategy you should follow to build wealth.
Nu kan I også tjene affiliate-kommission ved at dele indhold fra GeniusU - læs hvordan her
What path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. But if you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work. Take the free, one minute Genius Test, and discover your genius.
To all of you who have accepted friendship with me lately - but haven't heard from me;
The connections system here is not working at the moment, so just that you do not think me rude, I have to reach out...
Denmark is a VERY small country - yet hold the top position on many levels as the BEST (and most expensive !?) country in the world - because of our Queen, "Hygge" / Happiness, Carlsberg, Pastry, Butter, Entrepreneurship etc....
Entrepreneur Social i København søger team
What path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. But if you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work. Take the free, one minute Genius Test, and discover your genius.
HUSK Roger Hamiltons webinar kl 13 vores tid i dag
How to 10X Your Impact within 30 days - with Roger James Hamilton on GeniusU
A super special one off webinar with Roger James Hamilton for World Game Players and Mentors!
SÅ starter vi endelig "City Circle Copenhagen" op :-)
Alle er mere end velkomne:
What path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. But if you focus on your weaknesses, everything becomes hard work. Take the free, one minute Genius Test, and discover your genius.
HUSK at tilmelde jer The World Game 2018 - DET STARTER I MORGEN D. 10. Juni !!!
Be amongst the first 7,000 entrepreneurs in our community, to learn how to 10x your business results and 10X the purposeful impact you are making in the world.
Ever wondered why some people can stay slim, fit healthy and vitalised with just a gentle walking and yoga exercise routine, while others need something a whole more vigorous to reap the benefits? This is because the type of exercise that best...
HEALTH DYNAMICS - last step of the test is not working at the moment. I have reported the issue to both support and JJ Virgin. Will post again when its sorted.
VIND bogen - jeg trækker 2 heldige vindere af selve bogen, blandt nye connections her - den 1. oktober!
1: Connect - 2: Send mig besked med dit Genius & email
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