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Your Vector Journal

Get yourself a Journal today and dedicate to writing down on the pages your thoughts, feelings, insights and inspirations of the Vector cards to deepen your learning.  I look forward to giving you some further resources to develop your Vector...

Business Solution Training for Young People.

Picture?height=120&width=120 Jerald Haley

Helping people understand how to create solutions in business is a satisfying way to pass on the torch of knowledge. Teaching them how to use  project lifecycle is even more satisfying.

These skills will serve them as entrepreneurs and...

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Walt Disney: How Entertainment Became an Empir

Genie 04 04 Katheleen Tillman

Only by constantly innovating and pushing the boundaries of not just animation but also what Disney became as a business was the company able to go from a moderately successful animation studio to a complete entertainment experience – with...

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The Freelance Economy is Booming!!

Genie 04 04 Katheleen Tillman

Opportunity and demand just keep increasing for contract work. Over 57 million  American's freelanced in 2019 and there's no signs of it slowing down.

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4 Positive Mindsets To Run A Successful Business.

Genie 04 04 Katheleen Tillman

1. Think like a coach

2. Be Proactive

3. Set Goals

4. Choose Good Company

Passion Pathways 6

Will reed Stevie Reichert

Passions can be found in photos, memories, and back stories. A single photo taken 8 years ago triggered memories and an unforgettable tour inside the Japan Air Force Self Defense Forces Agency, including the site of the Tokyo War Crimes...

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4 Things Young #Entrepreneurs Should Know Before Starting...

Genie 04 04 Katheleen Tillman

1) LinkedIn profile is a must: The social hangout for entrepreneurs! It’s the place you can gain and share information, network with other business persons and potential customers.

2) A mentor shows the...

Desktop 03rd mar

6 Habits Of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs

Genie 04 04 Katheleen Tillman

Focus on Culture

While it may sound less important than the product or business model, the culture of a company plays a major role in shaping its success. Entrepreneurs that put tremendous thought into company culture...

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Establish Your Thought Leadership Role as a CEO

Genie 04 04 Katheleen Tillman

Being a thought leader doesn’t happen because you declare yourself one; it happens because your audience, industry and the world at large say you are. The process of getting there requires forethought, planning and execution. Start by...

Desktop 03rd mar

The 3 P’s of Entrepreneurial Mindset

Genie 04 04 Katheleen Tillman

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. While we can all be passionate about something, overcoming the many challenges that come with entrepreneurship is not something that can be taught or picked up overnight. That’s why many great ideas don’t...