Most popular circles 499 circles

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Virginia Vasques Bhuvana
Womens Empowerment Circle
10 X LAB
Verslių žmonių siekiančių harmonijos auginant verslą ir asmeninį gyvenimą klubas
City circle to connect and use geniusu platform.
Nordic Entrepreneurs
This is a circle for Nordic entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate and make the most out of this community and GeniusU.
Cosmos New Age / Self-awareness through self-consciousness
Self-awareness through self-consciousness. New Age Cosmos self-management concept Transformation of sustainable corporate culture Consulting & Coaching Sustainable mindset is from where we create Self-awareness in strategic thinking in processes. There are two...
Dorte Joy Juul /Self-awareness through self-consciousness
Self-awareness through self-consciousness. New Age Cosmos self-management concept Transformation of sustainable corporate culture Consulting & Coaching Sustainable mindset is from where we create Self-awareness in strategic thinking in processes. There are two...
Solar for Clean Energy
Solar for Clean Energy is a place to share your information about solar! Let's connect and learn from each other how we can inspire and help leaders understand the importance of clean energy with solar. I also want to offer an opportunity for you to join me in a partnership...
GeniusU Norge
Kunnskapsdeling og nettverk for norske GeniusU medlemmer
Passion & Performance Circle
This is a mentorcircle for people who have trained in one of my Passion & Performance programs