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Start the right online business

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Jun 20, 2020 at 21:04 in France

A few good tips to get ready if you look for a job during this quarantine.

23 Tips for Targeting Your Job Search During Quarantine

23 job search tips for finding a job during the Coronavirus. Use this time of quarantine to narrow your search and find what you're really looking for.
Desktop job search tips

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Jun 3, 2020 at 14:30 in France

I created a synthesis of the alternative narrative on the Covid-19 situation. Get informed now on what's really going on. We don't have much time to react.

Unite and Conquer — Jonathan Magnin

I believe we should all be helping each other by doing what we do best. On my side, I love to gather the best resources and create summaries of ideas. This is my summary of the current Covid-19 situation.
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  • Ellis DAmore

    Ellis DAmore

    Jun 4, 2020 at 09:36 in Cambridge, UK

    Hi Jonathan, I read your long article, where you have analysed and written everything down very well and thoroughly. Yes, unfortunately, that is the case. In such a situation, it is good to remember that where you direct your attention, your energy also moves there. Therefore, it's not beneficial to fight against evil, and to feed it with your energy. Fight for good and then the energy goes to the right place.
    • Marybelle Rosenbaum

      Marybelle Rosenbaum

      Jun 4, 2020 at 16:11 in France

      Thank you Ene for giving your attention to this article - I agree with you but I also think that there is a time for action to realize what's going on... and this time is now :) I would also dearly appreciate if you could copy-paste your comment at the end of the article - I just allowed comments there. Thank you

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Lydia Haley

Lydia Haley
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

May 23, 2020 at 12:41 in New Zealand

Hi Johnathan. I enjoyed this Microdegree. Simple, but effective. I have had a look around your website and love some of the content of your Blogs. Keep up the good work :)

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

May 21, 2020 at 16:00 in France

Remote work best practices: Cut the distractions, do your best and be kind to yourself. You got this :)

Council Post: Adjusting To Remote Work Can Really Bite. Here's How To Adapt.

Here are some of the not-so-glorious aspects of working remotely and what you can do about them. 
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  • Tatyana Walsh

    Tatyana Walsh

    May 21, 2020 at 22:12 in Australia

    I downloaded the Coffitifity software. Let you know how I travel with it.
    • Tatyana Walsh

      Tatyana Walsh

      May 22, 2020 at 03:36 in Australia

      Downloaded the software, but could not get it to work on my computer. :-(
    • Marybelle Rosenbaum

      Marybelle Rosenbaum

      May 21, 2020 at 23:12 in France

      Cool :)

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

May 10, 2020 at 16:41 in France

How are you using what you know to create the career you're meant to do?

The 6 builders who will thrive in the new world

Designers who code, Career jumpers, Ambitious advisors

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  • Tatyana Walsh

    Tatyana Walsh

    May 12, 2020 at 12:49 in Australia

    Jonathan, you deliver awesome value. Thank you for your very generous sharing.

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

May 1, 2020 at 22:15 in France

Let's see why there is so much negative news. Hint: It's linked to our lizard brain...

Trust Your News Source?

Where we get our news and what stories we consume have a dramatic impact on our mental health, anxiety, and even immunity.
Desktop tech 20blog 2004 26 2020

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Apr 22, 2020 at 20:07 in France

Here is a list of the best remote jobs sites out there. Hope it helps.

Where to find a remote job? — You're Closer

If you’re at all familiar with what I do, you know I love to recommend people to actually create their remote job, their ideal career. But it takes commitment and a bit of time. I offer a program here to accelerate dramatically this process of discovering your ideal remote career if you’re cur
Desktop remote%2bjobs%2b %2bgoogle%2btrends

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  • Avatar

    Unknown user

    Apr 23, 2020 at 07:02

    Thanks for sharing!

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Mar 19, 2020 at 19:25 in France

Here's my take on the corona virus after taking the time to summarize the situation and get some perspective on it. As all transitions, it's a difficult time but afterwards we will get many benefits from this crisis. Hope this article helps you stay positive.

Corona: The virus of the ecological transition — You're Closer

The world economy was doing great just a few weeks ago before the virus spread widely.  Trashing the planet had never been that profitable.  We knew it was wrong, but we had to stay competitive right?  Market before planet, always.  But now the fear sets in, p
Desktop greta%2b %2bcorona%2bvirus

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Mar 11, 2020 at 20:56 in France

I had the pleasure to be invited to Paul Higgins podcast to talk about remote job, marketing and how to find your ideal career :) Check it out!

Looking Inside To Create A Remote Career with Jonathan Magnin - Ep180 - Build Live Give

Listen to inspiring solopreneur stories with invaluable lessons shared to help you Double your own business to fund your Lifestyle and Give back.
Desktop ep180 jonathan magnin

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Feb 26, 2020 at 11:21 in France

Here are the top 3 reasons people say they're considering a career change: Salary, career growth and lack of recognition. I wish you to have all these... but if you don't, what are you going to do about it?

Most Employees Considering Leaving Job

Home of Sanitary Maintenance, Contracting Profits, and Facility Cleaning Decisions magazines
Desktop man jumping out door 25155

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Feb 20, 2020 at 10:40 in France

Using offices or commuting has a serious impact on the environment. Where do YOU work?

3 ways remote work can save the environment

Research shows that flexible workspaces and policies benefit the environment in more ways than one might think.
Desktop freelancer 190930

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  • Marybelle Rosenbaum

    Marybelle Rosenbaum

    Feb 21, 2020 at 11:51 in France

    I love working from cafes, I usually walk or bike there :)
  • Lonna Davis

    Lonna Davis

    Feb 21, 2020 at 10:26 in Internet

    At home, in my bedroom/studio/office
    • Marybelle Rosenbaum

      Marybelle Rosenbaum

      Feb 21, 2020 at 12:27 in France

      I see, interesting point of view!
    • Lonna Davis

      Lonna Davis

      Feb 21, 2020 at 12:02 in Internet

      It's all the same for me, the illusion of disconnection from anything doesn't work for me and isn't needed any more
    • Marybelle Rosenbaum

      Marybelle Rosenbaum

      Feb 21, 2020 at 11:51 in France

      Nice! Careful to keep your bedroom for your me-time, otherwise it might get difficult to disconnect from work :)

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Feb 15, 2020 at 13:00 in France

Stats anyone? Here is the latest state of remote work. And it's becoming the new normal.

State of Remote Work 2020

Top insights and data from one of the largest remote work reports.
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  • Tatyana Walsh

    Tatyana Walsh

    Feb 16, 2020 at 00:30 in Australia

    Jonathan, I really enjoyed reading this article. It helps explain why I feel so happy not having to work in a school any more, but absolutely love tutoring and dealing with Spending Planning clients over the net. I don't have to deal with the politics of a total institution. I have a sense of freedom. I deal directly with the clients (being a Blaze genius, hardly surprising). My time is totally flexible. There is no way that I will change from working remotely. Yes, working remotely is the new normal, and I will be recommending it to as many people as I can.

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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Feb 13, 2020 at 16:56 in France

Lots of career wisdom in this article from the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman.

Thread by @sama: How To Be Successful (At Your Career, Twitter Edition) The most successful people (judged by history, not money) continually look for the mo…

Thread by @sama: How To Be Successful (At Your Career, Twitter Edition) The most successful people (judged by history, not money) continuallyok for the most important thing they are able to work on, and that’s what they do. They do not get trapped in loc…
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Marybelle Rosenbaum

Marybelle Rosenbaum
posted in mentor circle: Start the right online business

Feb 12, 2020 at 11:15 in France

Tom Froese - Closer in 10 — You're Closer

In this episode of Closer in 10, I interview Tom Froese. Tom is a Canadian dad who found his ideal career as an illustrator. If you've ever considered working remotely on something you love, you're going to love Tom's words of wisdom! Tom's website . Tom's Youtube channel . Tom's Skill
Desktop tom%2bfroese

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