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Rodolfo Jerde

Rodolfo Jerde
posted in mentor circle: Coach Accelerator

Jun 5, 2020 at 05:16 in Australia

Welcome to @user_635532@ and thank you for joining our community. You are an awesome asset to have here.
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    Unknown user

    Jun 5, 2020 at 09:04

    I am the one to gain from your awsome group here I´m sure - thanks Rodolfo Jerde XOXOX

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Rodolfo Jerde

Rodolfo Jerde
posted in mentor circle: Coach Accelerator

Jun 4, 2020 at 12:29 in Australia

Do you remember the day you chose to be a coach? I would love you to share your story with us.

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    Unknown user

    Jun 5, 2020 at 14:26

    I clearly remember! New divorced / Moving back home to Denmark, after many years in Spain - I needed a totally new perspective on my (business) life. So I paid for a life membership of an international Social Business Loge called "BlackStar" (which Kiana Shanahan was co-founder of) - in the hope that it would provide me with ideas as to what to do with myself; What to Work with / In which Country to live / Maybe a New husband etc. ;-) As a new member, one had to take the Wealth Dynamics Test - and that totally changed my outlook on it all !! I realized that I had been working in a totally wrong manner, all my life (as an accountant), and that being a coach/mentor (which is actually also a part of the work of a good accountant / business advisor anyway) - was much more in line with me being a Star/Creator :-)
    • Rodolfo Jerde

      Rodolfo Jerde

      Jun 5, 2020 at 14:54 in Australia

      Thanks for sharing Tina, some of what you share is similar for me. I was a Bookkeeper and studied Accounting at University (didn't practice it) ... not really aligned to a Star as you say.

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Rodolfo Jerde

Rodolfo Jerde
posted in mentor circle: Coach Accelerator

Jun 4, 2020 at 12:28 in Australia

Thank you to Eroca Cambriana Lowe for joining our community. Please share a little about yourself.
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Rodolfo Jerde

Rodolfo Jerde
posted in mentor circle: Coach Accelerator

May 10, 2020 at 15:30 in Australia

Thank you Tatyana Walsh for your super review and for being part of our community.
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  • Tatyana Walsh

    Tatyana Walsh

    May 11, 2020 at 22:21 in Australia

    Terri, you do an awesome job. There is no doubt that you are the number 1 Mentor and that those who get to work with you are very privileged.
    • Rodolfo Jerde

      Rodolfo Jerde

      May 12, 2020 at 03:12 in Australia

      Thank you Lance, I really appreciate it.

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Rodolfo Jerde

Rodolfo Jerde
posted in mentor circle: Coach Accelerator

May 10, 2020 at 15:27 in Australia

Hi all, as we all move through this interesting time full of massive challenges and opportunities, I also have put time into pivoting my coaching business to create more online value. I am currently working on my new program and look forward to sharing it with you all over the next month.
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  • Rodolfo Jerde

    Rodolfo Jerde

    May 11, 2020 at 06:21 in Australia

    We have a call booked for tomorrow so we can discuss it further then.
    • Darrick Schinner

      Darrick Schinner

      May 11, 2020 at 06:35 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

      Yes looking forward to it
  • Rodolfo Jerde

    Rodolfo Jerde

    May 11, 2020 at 06:20 in Australia

    Hi Neeraj, that is awesome and how it works for sure. It is absolutely about trust and taking your market on a journey, solving their problem by offering the best solution and ultimately they will take the leap of faith. Always making sure we are honouring our promises.
  • Darrick Schinner

    Darrick Schinner

    May 11, 2020 at 06:15 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

    Hi Terri - I have done the same. Many course participants have become my 1-1 client as they gain value and trust grows. One funny incident was that a ex client who had attended a offline training wanted to register for a new $100 dollar online training - in the process of registering he reached out to me and we had a conversation which turned into a 1-1 mentoring client at my highest level. These online courses are great trust building pathways. I'd love to compare notes with you on what has worked for you.

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Tatyana Walsh

Tatyana Walsh
posted in mentor circle: Coach Accelerator

Mar 10, 2020 at 23:23 in Australia

What are the similarities and differences between mentoring and coaching? What would we gain by maintaining a distinction? Or do they run into each other? Are they different or the same as discipleship?
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    Unknown user

    Mar 11, 2020 at 11:33

    One has a specific knowledge of a specific topic,the other teaches more around it ;-)
  • Tatyana Walsh

    Tatyana Walsh

    Mar 11, 2020 at 09:22 in Australia

    That is really helpful. Thank you. Have a great day!
  • Lonna Davis

    Lonna Davis

    Mar 11, 2020 at 08:42 in Internet

    As I see it, one can be a good coach without ever reaching the same level of mastery of the coaching subject (sport give us plenty of examples). A mentor is somebody who has walked the talk, before they start mentoring people a couple of steps behind them on the path. And I see discipleship as a specific form of mentoring.

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Rodolfo Jerde

Rodolfo Jerde
posted in mentor circle: Coach Accelerator

Sep 10, 2017 at 06:53 in Australia

Daily Coaching Tips to Boost Your Coaching Skills: 1. Ask open questions Asking open questions causes them to think for themselves.

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