We all the get same notification post by post, on multiple circles - so not a good idea to tag in un-related circles with all ones posts (just because its too easy to tag them) - in an effort to spread them as much as possible...
Welcome to our weekly, GeniusU members update!
These weekly updates cover 4 areas for you...
- The newest coolest thing on GeniusU that we are excited to share with you A success story from one of...
Haven´t gotten (asked for) reviews here on GeniusU yet ?
Reviews are important, both for yourself, future contacts and your ranking here on GeniusU !
Forget about being shy, or what ever holds you back from asking your clients, team...
If you want to market yourself, build a community, trust etc. - do it on MERIT !!
A good example on how NOT to do it: look at the MLM industry - how they just SPAM their sales pitch out (wasting money & time - especially...
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Sean DuBuque
Nelda Emard
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