FREE DOWNLOAD] This e-guide is a summary of Health Dynamics. By knowing your Health Profile, you can find your natural path to maximise your energy and minimize your stress....
Yes, you heard that right! Few subjects on health are as riddled with myths and misconceptions as the question of the sun and its presumed role in contributing to cancer.
Let’s take a look at this intriguing subject more...
Mainstream media and the annual pink campaigns have led to rising concerns about the breast cancer genes (BRCA 1 and BRCA2) with the result of millions of women around the world asking for the test. This has led to considerable anxiety both for...
You have been gifted with an extraordinary self-healing capacity and yet few of us are given the manual to tap into this. Learn to listen to that inner wisdom!
'Develop a habit of saving for what you want'. This doesn't just apply to money. Focus on what you want; Be patient. Don't spend everything now; It's a habit.
'Take advice'. It seems so much easier to give advice than to take it. it requires trust, courage and a willingness to consider another's perspective as valid.
'Unleash your creativity' Our self expression is our own responsibility. Waiting for others to 'unleash' it for us or for permission to be unleashed is futile.
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This young man has a fabulous view on purpose, living a meaningful life and through that finding passion.
To find work you love, don't follow your passion | Benjamin Todd | TEDxYouth@Tallinn
Mainstream career advice tells us to “follow our passion”, but this advice is dead wrong. Research shows that people who take this approach are ultimately no...
A fabulous article on what making/having a 'social impact' means. Two inspiring young men.
The meaning of making a difference - 80,000 Hours
Lots of people say "making a difference" is one of their key career goals, but what does this actually mean?
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Rodolfo Rath
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